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New Passion Vines


Another client of mine recommended me to Victoria, who came in to see me about adding some new vine imagery to her existing right sleeve and chest.

She says, "The top passion flower at my shoulder represents my grandmother, my mother's mother.  She had the passion to escape from Estonia which was then behind the Iron Curtain and make her way to America for a better life.  The second passion flower on my upper arm represents my mother who raised me as a woman with no limits and had the passion to break through barriers set for women in her generation, and raise me with a feminist attitude towards my life.  At my wrist is a woman with the word "naine" at her base.  Naine means "woman" in Estonian, and these are my roots.   She has three leaves/wings and three leaves on her head which represent my grandmother, my mother, and me.  The vine with a passion flower bud going towards my heart represents my wife and our love and budding new life together.  

This new vine going up my neck represents my next life chapter which has seemingly infinite possibilities, for which I'm very grateful."

We did also decide to re-outline some of the old imagery on her chest and arm, so that it would match the new ink a bit better, but I didn't get any photos of that part.

Here are some photos of the drawings, the before and very fresh tattoo (you can still see some of the purple stencil) in it's outline and gray shading stages.


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